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Monday, February 06, 2006

The Far Reach of Josh Ritter's Music, and its Fan Community

Feb. 6, 2006.   Hi folks, just a real quick post while we await an exciting upcoming week, which will include among other things the US Tour Dates and another mp3 download (the opening track of The Animal Years!)...

This site, "Royal City," is a new venture of the Josh Ritter Fansite; it has taken the place of the standard "News and Notes" page on my site - and already it has proven to be an easier and better way to get news about Josh's music, the fan community, the websites, and more. But what is really amazing about "Royal City" also says a LOT about Josh's music and the growing fan community. Using a basic site-traffic meter, I am able to view the general locations of the visitors here. In the past few weeks, fans of Josh Ritter have checked in from:

USA, UK, Ireland, Canada - of course, but how about: Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Belgium, Japan, Italy, Czech Republic, Egypt, Serbia, and Chile?

Isn't it awesome, how far and wide Josh's music is reaching... I think so.

More news coming this week. And THANK YOU, to those of you visiting here, supporting Josh's music, and spreading the word about it (wherever you are, around the world).