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Friday, June 08, 2007

Introducing the New Josh Ritter Album

June 8, 2007. It has a name.

Most of us in the Josh fan community have known or heard that Josh recorded a new album this past Winter/Spring. But information about it has been very scarce. Well, that's all gonna change. And it starts with Josh himself, introducing the new album to us:

Hey All!

I am proud to announce the upcoming release of my new record, "The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter," on August 21, 2007! In North America I’m putting the record out with the help of the strong, capable hands of Sony/Victor. Come mid-September, my good friends at Independent Records will roll it out in Ireland and V2 will sick it upon the rest of the unsuspecting world. It’s only a little over two months away and it’s gonna get busy. Ok, that’s the business-y bit.

This record was made in the woods of interior Maine and produced by Sam Kassirer. Lyrically, musically, and in terms of production it’s the most adventurous record I’ve made yet and I think when you hear it you’re going to be surprised. Seriously, repeatedly, and in a good way.

So be forewarned! August 21st!

All the Best,

LOTS more to come from the Fansite and

I cannot yet fully divulge how or why I can say this with the utmost amount of truth, but: it will be the listener of this new album that will truly be "conquered." And a blissful surrender it will be. I. am. not. kidding.